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Aenean quis facilisis massa. Cras justo odio, scelerisque nec dignissim quis, cursus a odio. Duis ut dui vel purus aliquet tristique.

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Morbi quis tellus eu turpis lacinia pharetra non eget lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec.

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In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Jan 13, 2011

chilli toffu


Batch -1
Panneer/ Tofu - 15 small cubes
Salt -1 tsp
Ginger Garlic  paste -1 tbsp
Corn flour -2 tbsp
Water -little to form as a paste
Egg -1
All purpose flour -1tbsp

Batch -2
Oil -for frying
Cumin seeds -1/2 tsp
Ginger Garlic  paste -1 tbsp
Green chilli -1 or 2 chopped
Onion    -1/2 chopped
Coriander Powder  -1 tbsp
Chilli Garlic sauce  - 1 tbsp
Colored Peppers  - Red or yellow Chopped 1/2 cup
Chilli powder -1/2 tsp
Soy sauce -1 tsp
Cury leaves - 2 strands
Salt   -as per taste
Lime juice -2 tsp
Coriander Leaves -chopped for garnishing

Method1.Mix all the ingredients in Batch-1 except paneer.Now add the paneer/tofu to the mixture and toss well to coat the paneer/tofu pieces nicely.
2.Fry the paneer/tofu pieces in oil and keep aside.

(You can skip the above 2 steps if the paneer/tofu is very fresh. Frying enhances the flavour considerably.)
3.Take a pan and heat some oil. Add cumin seeds, GG paste and saute for 1 minute.
4.Add onions and saute a little.
5.Add the remaining ingredients under batch-2 and saute for 3 minutes
6.Now add the fried panneer/tofu to this mixture and saute for 2 mins.
7.Yummy dry chilli panneer/tofu is ready.


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