Slide Title 1

Aenean quis facilisis massa. Cras justo odio, scelerisque nec dignissim quis, cursus a odio. Duis ut dui vel purus aliquet tristique.

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Morbi quis tellus eu turpis lacinia pharetra non eget lectus. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Donec.

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In ornare lacus sit amet est aliquet ac tincidunt tellus semper. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas.

Jan 16, 2011

gooseberry pickle

5-6 big Amlas(AvaLe or Nellikayi)
1/2 tea spn mustard seeds
1/4 tea spn asafoetida(hingu)
1/2 tea spn fenugreek(methi) seeds
1 tea spn chili powder
1 tea spn oil
1/2 tea spn chopped green chilies
1/2 tea spn grated ginger
1 tea spn fresh green unripe pepper
Do not add white or black peppercorns to this pickle. Only green unripe peppercorns can be used for this. If green peppercorns cannot be found, increase the amount of green chilies and ginger for better taste.
Cook Amla with 1 cup water and salt(preferrably use cooker for cooking). Remove the seeds and reserve the pulp.
Grind the pulp with mustard, asafoetida, chili powder and 1/4 tea spn fenugreek seeds (Unlike any other pickles, mustard and fenugreek are not fried for this). Water used for cooking Amla can be used for grinding, but do not add more water.
Heat oil and fry chilies, ginger, peppercorns(if using), little salt and 1/4 tea spn fenugreek seeds. Add this to the amla paste and mix well.
Store in an air tight container in refrigerator. It can be consumed immediately. It remains good for atleast 3-4 months (may be more than that).
Preparation time : 30mins

drumstick pickle


Drumsticks : 4 big
oil : 1 cup
Tamarind pulp : 50 g
chilly powder : 4 tsp
fenugreek powder : 1 tsp
salt : 4 tsp
mustard seeds powder : 2 tsp
turmeric : 1/2 tsp

Method :
1) First wash drumsticks and dry them completly, cut them into finger size pieces. see that it is fully dried otherwise pickle will get spoiled.

2) Take a big bowl and mix all the powders fenugreek Powder, Mustard seeds powder,chilli powder,salt,turmeric powder and keep it aside.

3 )Heat a non stick pan add 1 cup oil sufficient for your pickle .

4) Add chopped drumsticks and fry well. It takes nearly 15-18 mins to boil fully.

5 )When drumsticks are half boiled then add the tamarind pulp and let it boil fully.

6)Switch off the stove and after 5 mins add your mixed powders on it.

7)When it is fully cooled mix well and Put it in a dry container.

8)After 1/2 day pickle is ready to eat.

9)Mix with hot rice and enjoy the spicy,tangy pickle with Vadiyams and papad.

chikkudukayalu pickle

  1. Chikkudukayalu – 2cupsBroad beans pickle
  2. Tamarind pulp – 100gms
  3. Red chilli powder – 100gms
  4. Salt  – to taste
  5. Garlic pods – 4
  6. Mustard seeds – 1tsp
  7. Curry leaves – few
  8. Oil – 4tsp
  9. Menthigunda/Fenugreek powder – 1tsp
  • Wash and cut Chikkudukayalu into small pieces.
  • Heat  2 tsp of oil in pan,fry chikkudukayalu till the seeds are hard enough.Now mix tamarind pulp to the fried beans.To this add redchillipower,salt and Menthi gunda and mix well.
  • Finally heat another 2 tso of  oil in a pan,fry garlic pods , mustard seeds,curry leaves and add this to the above pickle and mix well.
  • This stays good for 15daysif stored in air tight container.
After cutting the Broad beans ,dry them on a paper towel so that there is less moisture.This helps the pickle to stay longer