5-6 big Amlas(AvaLe or Nellikayi)

1/2 tea spn mustard seeds
1/4 tea spn asafoetida(hingu)
1/2 tea spn fenugreek(methi) seeds
1 tea spn chili powder
1 tea spn oil
1/2 tea spn chopped green chilies
1/2 tea spn grated ginger
1 tea spn fresh green unripe pepper
Do not add white or black peppercorns to this pickle. Only green unripe peppercorns can be used for this. If green peppercorns cannot be found, increase the amount of green chilies and ginger for better taste.
Cook Amla with 1 cup water and salt(preferrably use cooker for cooking). Remove the seeds and reserve the pulp.
Grind the pulp with mustard, asafoetida, chili powder and 1/4 tea spn fenugreek seeds (Unlike any other pickles, mustard and fenugreek are not fried for this). Water used for cooking Amla can be used for grinding, but do not add more water.
Heat oil and fry chilies, ginger, peppercorns(if using), little salt and 1/4 tea spn fenugreek seeds. Add this to the amla paste and mix well.
Store in an air tight container in refrigerator. It can be consumed immediately. It remains good for atleast 3-4 months (may be more than that).
Preparation time : 30mins