For white discharge: Take 50 gms. of the gooseberry seed (Nelli; Amia), grind it in water and a little honey and sugar and eat it daily for 7 days.
For white discharge: Take 20 gms. of Dharbe roots (available in ayurvedic shops), crush them m rice water (water obtained after washing rice before cooking) and drink this for 3 consecutive days.
White discharge can be cured by drinking juice obtained by crushing or pounding the bark of “ambatte” tree (Spondias mangifera)Or, prepare powder by pounding the dry bark of Banyan tree, sieve it through cloth and eat it mixed with cow’s milk daily for a few days every month between the periods.
For treatment of white discharge: Crush the roots of Kaedige (Pandamus odoratissimus; Kegdichen paal; Bongichen paal) in water, add a little sugar and eat it for 7-8 days.
For treatment of leucorrhea (white discharge)’Take 15 gms. by weight of roots (outer cover only) of Sarasaparela, 15 gms. ofcus-cus, 50 gms. of dry grapes (currants, raisins, kismis) (soaked in water overnight), mix all these and crush them together, add i litre of cow’s ghee and heat it in a mud vessel or stainless steel vessel to form a thick mass and eat a small quantity (about one tablet size) of this mixture 3 times a day followed by a liter of milk for 10-15 daysAvoid eating paultry meat and eggs during the period of this treatment.
For treatment of white and sedimentary discharge due to heat in the body (ushnam) : Take a handful of the green leaves of Stribules asper tree (Pariyecho ruk), 150 ml. of water, and a pinch of powdered .cumminseed (jeera), crush all together, extract juice, strain it and drink it daily for a few days.
For the cure of white discharge take 1 gm. of the churna (powder) of Jyestamadhu (available in Ayurvedic shops), mix 2 gms. of sugar candy and eat it morning and evening followed by a little boiled and cooled water.
Regularly eating the powdered pith extracted out of the mid portion of the Bayani palm (Caryota urens; Eind; Shallaki) by preparing a payasam out of it with milk and sugar will cure
white discharge in women if taken for a few days.
White vaginal discharge is medically known as leucorrhoea which is a condition characterized by the discharge of whitish substance from the female genital organ, the vagina. In a very common term, it is called as whites. The problem is linked with the woman’s reproductive system and its organs. The condition may last for a few weeks or also for months together. If the woman ignores this problem, it may become so chronic after passing some stages.
Let us learn more about white vaginal discharge:
White vaginal discharge symptoms:
· Frequent headache
· Constipation
· Intense itching and soreness of vagina
· Severe cramps in the lumbar region and calves
· Whitish discharge coming out of vaginal tract
· General body weakness Formation of black patches or dark circles under the eyes
As far as the causes of white vaginal discharge are concerned, it usually occurs because of toxicity of the female reproductive system.
The main reason that can be considered as very responsible is wrong lifestyle and dietary patterns. At the time of menstrual cycle, the mucous membrane lining the female reproductive organs of the woman gets thickens, and hence leads to white vaginal discharge.
In the age of adolescence to mid 40s (child bearing age), the birth of a child might cause damage of cervix that ultimately brings infection. Apart from this, there are several factors also that end up in white vaginal discharge such as displacement of the womb and unhygienic condition that tends to attract microorganisms to the female genital organs.
Let us see some white vaginal discharge natural remedy or treatments those are found quite effective. Following are some white vaginal discharge natural remedies:-
· Ladyfinger is believed to be very useful in treating the disease. In half liter water, boil 150 gm of lady finger for approximately 15-20 minutes. Strain the water and just include some sugar to taste. The decoction must be consumed in the doses of 50-100 ml at frequent intervals.
· Fenugreek seeds are another popular natural remedy for white vaginal discharge and for this; one can make a tea from fenugreek seeds. For this, simply put 2 tsp seeds in one liter water. Bring to a boil and let it simmer on low fire for about half an hour. Strain this potion and it is ready as a vaginal douche.
· Prepare a decoction using fresh leaves of walnut tree and this is also a good vaginal douche for leucorrhea. The astringent chemicals found in the leaves are proven to heal menstrual conditions and also vaginal discharges.
· Mango seeds are also good to stop white vaginal discharge. For this, apply one teaspoon paste of decorticated kernel of mango inside the vaginal tract.
Some other remedies that work for white vaginal discharge include using a warm vaginal douche containing triphala water. For this, take 25 grams of Triphala powder and add it to 2 liters of water and boil for 20 minutes. Filter it and use it as douche, while it is lukewarm and easy to use. Cold hip bath is also a good method to relieve leucorrhea and its related symptoms. Similarly a cold hip bath two times a day is also helpful in treating white vaginal discharge.
In Ayurveda, tandulodaka (rice-wash) is said to be very helpful for douching. The decoction of bark of Ayurvedic herb Ashoka or Lodhra is used. In Ayurveda, herbs like shatavari, Indian gooseberry, triphala, guduchi, shalmali are very useful in treating white vaginal discharge. Especially a bath in tub filled up with decoction of neem, triphala is very useful.
Powder Fennel seeds/Somph .Mix 2gm of this powder with ghee and consume 2 times a day 2 hrs before food.This controls excess white discharge in ladies
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